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Friday, September 5, 2008

Heart Beats and Movement

I finally felt the baby last night. All the buzzing and vibrations. It was fun.. Maybe it was the chocolate pudding (not sugar free) that woke it up.. Not sure. But it was nice. Sad cause only I can feel it at this point, but Chris was still excited.. Yeah for heartbeats and movement.  :)  Here is a baby at 16 weeks which is what we are.  Still kind of strange, but getting there. 

Prayer request: Today I'm going to have the "scary" blood test to make sure the baby doesn't have  Spinea Bifita or anything else that would be terrible. I wasn't going to do it. For most things the outcome will not change, but if it does have SB, then delivery would be very very important and the baby would have to go into immediate surgery to keep it from being paralyzed. So, I think it's wise.  I prayed with Alex and I'll pray again and hope that everything is fine. I have a very smart doctor and trust his impute and suggestions. 

Good day all. 


Misty said...

I'll be praying for ya!


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