Well, I finally found out today WHY there is a palm tree in the corner of my yard directly under the power lines, where it can only cause trouble for my future.. We already know that BLUE JAY are to blame for many bad things in life and here again they live up to their reputation. This palm tree was indeed planted by a Blue Jay. Oh Yeah, how did I find out??? Jackie and Jerry from Idaho (who lived in this house for 40 years) stopped by for a visit. It was nice. I showed them all the fun things I did to the yard and house and got to ask a few questions that have been on our minds. Like why don't the bushes on the side of the house want to grow? She said, "they never did" and she couldn't keep a garden there either. So here I thought it was me and it never was. Anyway, it was a nice visit. I'm sorry Chris wasn't here for it. I'm sure he has different and more questions than I.. :)

Ok, I just don't think there is another boy in this entire world as cute and handsome as alex.
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