Well, we are both sick.. I feel terrible that Alex coughed all through the night. I don't know what to do other than the humidifier and Citricept that I got from dad. It seemed to make me feel better. It's heart wrenching to know that your baby can't sleep.
My mom-in-laws blog spoke of being grateful for good heath. I am also. Even with these colds, things could be terribly worse. Like the little girl who (on extreme homemakeovers) can't control her body temp. and has to live in an environment of less than 62 degrees (along with her whole family) or she will over heat and die. Or the other little girl who feels no pain. No when she touches something hot, can't feel the urge to pee, or to the extent of scratching her own eyes out. Everyday, I thank God that we had a health baby. A 9.8 lb. healthy baby with possible diabetes, but he turned out fine and was able to control his own blood sugar from the very beginning. Scary times.
For today, Alex is at the sitters and I will concentrate on getting new galleries on my photography website. This will make Chris happy and hopefully promote new business for us. We have to look at the positive and move forward... and count our blessings.. Like Alex and Emma turning ONE..
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