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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My New Hobby

I signed up for a Cake decorating class today. I'm so excited about it. Finally something for me to do that's creative and cute at the time of year when my kids get older. I've always wanted to take a class, but never really wanted to do the Michael's class.. I want to take it where it feels serious, not like I have to hurry up and get out because there's going to be a scrapbooking class or sewing class in 30 minutes. Anyway, so it's a Cake Crafters, but doesn't start until March. Also, to achieve this, Mrs. Vikki (Alex's daycare) has an opening 2 days a week for Lauren to start attending. I think it's time for her. She's been going to a friend, but it's on the opposite side of town and makes my round trip of dropping off and entire hour in the car. .. Not fuel efficient at all. So, although I will miss Tina and she will miss Lauren "Bejourin" (or "Sister Sludge" or "Sister Sue") it will be better for my gas tank.

It's a new Chapter for all of us.

In other news: I booked 3 weddings in a week. I have a good feeling about 2010.. I hope it keeps up.. I have another meeting tomorrow night and I got a call today who just booked me right over the phone. She was referred by a bride's mom and knew she wanted us, so that was that. It was great! I also booked a wedding on my next anniversary. A little different for us, but it's 11 years and we are going to be at the beach the weekend before shooting another wedding, so we'll spend some time at the beach alone and call it good. The couple is super nice and I'm honored to share my anniversary with them. Their boy is super cute too. Clayton. What a cute name!!

I'll post pics of my cakes as time goes by. And we started Financial Peace University again tonight. It's going to be refreshing to do it again.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


...has ruin my blogging.. Sorry family. It's very hard to blog here when facebook is so easy.. Post pictures is also easier. I'll try to be better. Besides, my blog is how I remember what I do all year so I can write my Xmas letter. Ugh.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Story relating to Rachel's FB

Yesterday we (me & the kids) were driving in a parking lot going to the party store. Alex say, "that's a big truck mama". I say, "that's a money truck" (brinks) then I say. "Alex the men that drive that truck carry guns." (knowing that he loves guns) He say, "wow".

Two minutes later, we park in front of Party City and are going to get out, but Alex won't get out because the Brinks truck also pulled up to Party City and he was now afraid that we would all be shot. :) too funny. So I said, stay here, I'll get a basket, get Lauren and then come back for you... No, this was not flying. He wanted me to stand right there in his doorway til the big money truck drove away. It was very cute. We all went in the store and never got shot. Got ripped off, but not shot..

So, other Party City news. Lauren fell out of the basket and hit the floor. Considering that I've been fighting her strong will for about a month about not standing in the basket, I'm sort of glad it finally happened. ...and that she didn't get hurt.. I hope she will learn from that and stay sitting down. Luckily she fell in such a way that she barely cried. When Alex fell out at Wal-Mart, he hit in a very different way that was pretty scary. But he did learn.

But other news about Alex.... Ever since he came home from being gone for 3 days, we're having such trouble with him. He's trying to run the show, talking back to us (and with a nasty tone) and we're just about done with it. I know that there's an adjustment period any time kids go away for a bit and then come home to the rules they all hate, but Lord help me!!! So, I guess our readjustment period will just take a bit longer than we had hoped. I have to remind myself to stay calm. Not so easy when you're tired.

Our room is coming along (slower than I would like). I'm putting what furniture I can back by myself, but will need Chris for the larger pieces (hopefully tonight). I like the color and the carpet didn't get as clean as we would have liked, but it feels cleaner. Maybe next year we'll just take out the carpet. who knows?

Have a good day friends and family.


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