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Sunday, September 28, 2008

So, Chris' Party

It went really well, I think. A ton of people showed up. Some I thought, didn't and some it didn't think, did. I think everyone had a good time. At least they looked like they were. Everyone is always cranky about games, but hey they came to the party and I think had fun with the games despite themselves.. Although, the story game could have been a little funnier. Maybe it was just Chris' drunk reading. So speaking of drunk. Ummm a couple of people had a little too much which was pretty funny. One person tried to lick my eyeball. Not funny.. No mention of names here. They know who they are. 

It was a long night. We ended up around the fire in the back yard talking geeky computer talk for hours. I think Chris had fun. He's paying the price today. But so am I with a worthless, resting, recovering husband.  Not to mention his twin on the couch next to him. So, I've retreated to the computer room to blog and then work. I refuse to do all the cleaning by myself. Rachel, Sam & Leah did a great job this morning getting the ball rolling. Thanks. Now it's bearable for a few hours. :) 

Really what I want to do is retreat to my bed. It's been a VERY long week..  Or a long month I should say. 

Thanks for everyone that came to Chris' party. I'm pretty sure he'll be able to get the golf clubs he's been waiting for for 10 years.  He ended up with $510..  Not bad. Just about what I spent.. Hummm.. I should have given him $500 and saved myself a whole lot of work.. but then he wouldn't have his lovely hangover and my eyeball wouldn't have been accosted.  :)



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